This is something I found through another website about a year ago. Every six months, a worldwide 24-hour read-a-thon is organised via this website. The next one will be next Saturday - 21st April - starting at 12pm GMT and will be the third one I'm taking part in. It's always a great way to get through a few books in a short space of time. Unfortunately, this time I do also have to work which will take me out of it for six hours or so in the evening. But I'll do as much as I can around this! I'll be reviewing each book as I finish it in one big post. Experience has taught me that several shorter books is better than reading one mammoth one - it's nice to feel you're making actual headway. The first time I took part I tried to read the 976-page Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett...very bad idea...
So if you don't have anything better to do this Saturday/Sunday, why not sign up and join in?
Glad you're joining us again this time around...looking forward to it!